Saturday, October 26, 2019

How to add Cisco Firepower Threat Defense FTD to EVE-NG

In this article will demonstrate how is the adding if firepower Threat Defense (FTD) image to eve-ng by using the following steps:

1- download the FTD image using the following link
2-create a directory using the following path
mkdir  /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/firepower6-FTD-6.3.0-83
Note that the version of the ftd used is:6.3.0-83

3-copy the file(sscsia.qcow2) of the FTD to the directory created in step number1 using scp or filezilla

4-save the configuration by fixing the permissions using the following command
/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions

The following video show you the practical steps to add FTD to eve-ng


  1. Thanks a lot for the Demo.
    would you upload FMC software also.



  2. . Anyone building a WAN will generally consider Frame-relay as a viable connectivity option due to the cost alone, WAN's are not cheap by any margin so having Frame-Relay available to connect your different sites together is nice to know. CCNA Classes in Pune

  3. Hi, do you have any other firepower version available? i have tried the one you provided, and still can´t make it to boot....

  4. can we telnet or need to use vnc only
